Não é magia, é um Sistema Agroflorestal SintrópicoImagine um mundo onde terras degradadas se transformam em florestas exuberantes, onde os alimentos não são apenas abundantes, mas também…Aug 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
It’s not magic, it’s a Syntropic Agroforestry SystemImagine a world where degraded lands transform into lush forests, where food is not just abundant but also vibrantly healthy, where the…Jun 10, 2024Jun 10, 2024
Hi Daniel, thanks for another very insightful article.I have a couple of times sent you information about Money of Good, a paradigm-changing approach to driving the transition to new (crypto)…Mar 23, 2021Mar 23, 2021
The ootopia that can save us from the global collapseCover headline: “The (constant) angst in front of the apocalypse.”Oct 22, 2020Oct 22, 2020
A ootopia que pode nos salvar do colapso globalChamada da capa: "A (constante) angústia em frente ao apocalipse."Oct 20, 20201Oct 20, 20201
The consumption of the solution - the key to driving global transformationI would like to share with you a very optimistic insight into what appears to be our best chance to drive the positive changes that will…Aug 24, 2020Aug 24, 2020
O consumo da solução - a chave para impulsionar a transformação globalGostaria de compartilhar com você um insight muito otimista sobre o que parece ser a nossa melhor chance para impulsionar as mudanças…Aug 24, 2020Aug 24, 2020
Carta aberta - O FUTURO DO BEMQueridos amigos de todo mundo, Neste momento no qual sentimos nossas vidas ameaçadas pela soma das crises na saúde, na economia e no meio…Mar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020
Open Letter - THE FUTURE OF GOODDear friends from all over the world, At this moment when we feel our lives are threatened by the sum of crises in health, the economy and…Mar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020
Abundant Intentional OrganizationAn inspiring governance framework for impact organizationsSep 11, 2019Sep 11, 2019